Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm irritated

Its like sometimes during transition we do get irritated like right now for me my breasts heart from growing and most of all people aren't calling me using female pronouns to describe me I'm female a trans women and people need to call me my tg name Christy and refer to me as female it pisses me off badly I'm not sure about you other trans women I'm irritated about that and the other thing is my down stairs region to I hate it and wish it was the other way just need to get SRS that will help all ought and my breasts need to get to a C already instead of being an A that would help me to pass more and called female pronouns some people are err agent some times  and need to see people for who they really are I'm a male to female transsexual a trans women and proud of it refer to us as who we are not who we aren't and the world will be closer to a better place.