Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How I felt befor I had breasts

Before I transitioned I felt like this when I looked at my chest. I wasn't happy but when felt up my bra with any thing to create the look of breasts I was like yeah made me happy especially when I went to sleep at night it helped me allot to be happy and comfortable with my self helped me to sleep more Easley and less dysphonic and cry less then I normally would and now that I have breasts even know they aren't fully grown yet I'm happy and don't get dysphonic and cry at night like I used to its rarely that it happens now I'm so much happier now and glad I am who I am and able to show it now very happy to be me a female to have breasts to just be me.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

steampunk jewelry

This is the first steampunk earrings I made fore my steampunk outfit
the erring wire is silver and the gears and jump rings are copper brass
and to look like silver and their made to look old so they look vintage
mettle kind of like tarnished rust kind of a look.
 this is an anklet I made using the same things as the earrings except the
clasp is a medium size and is also made to look old and vintage old metal
and its the silver color.
 These are my other steampunk earrings I made from a pack of keys
I got and their a brass vintage barons kind of a look same as the other
earrings the wire is silver the jump ring is also the same mettle as the
keys and all of the earrings I make have an erring back on them helps
to prevent them from falling off the ear and dune right helps to prevent
the earring from pulling down on the ear and stretching them out over time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


This is my favorite outfit it's not finished yet just need a few more items then it will be dune. I just wanted to share it with you.