Monday, December 24, 2012

Dressing Modestly

This last year I have seen to many women young girls even a few kids dressing very inappropriate. If we think about our self now and into the next year we should dress more modestly. Seeing people on TV magazines and in general life its self we can better our self's and be more above the rest. Modesty is the key dressing in skimpy clothing whorish slut like yes we will get all the attention from the guys but thous guys are mostly into it for the sex and not treating us with the respect we deserve to have. we are the ones who can give birth wear cute sexy beautiful in our own ways so why do allot of us women take it for granted. When we dress modestly we get more respect from all the men out their even though we still get attention its not the same kind of attention as if we dress unmodestly. dressing modestly we usually attract the kind of people who wont to treat us like the ladies we are treat us to dinner etc. with out lusting after us and wanting sex tell mirage we attract more different kind of people know matter who we are and how we dress. So now into the new year think of how you dress modestly like a proper lady or not and make that decision to change dress modestly and find that one true love that will cherish you treat you like a princess. so into the new year remember do it for you your self not anybody else.